October 15
Light/Dark colors, better look, larger controls
A big update for more colors and flexibility
June 20
Automatic variables docs
Keeping the docs in sync
April 14
Migrating to v0.7.0
What has changed
April 13
Website redesign
A brand new look
January 18
Font Awesome 5
No change required!
November 14
Bulma on Patreon
Support Bulma’s future
November 1
Fixed navbar
Fix your navbar at the top or bottom
October 22
List of buttons
What’s better than one button? Multiple buttons!
October 9
Roses are red and links are blue
What’s better than one tag? Multiple tags!
August 3
List of tags
What’s better than one tag? Multiple tags!
August 1
Bulma over Bootstrap?
New page “Alternative to Bootstrap”
July 24
It is now possible to access previous versions of Bulma
March 10
Field element
A new versatile container for form controls
April 11
Metro UI
Build a Metro-UI-like grid in CSS with the new tile element
February 9
Stay updated with everything that’s coming up with Bulma