226 happy thoughts from Twitter 😃
Are you a Bulma fan too? Show your support! 🤗

- Decided to use devise instead of myMLH because admin roles were gonna be questionable.
- Created gorgeous custom login and signup views with Bulma CSS by @jgthms
- Learned Stimulus JS and used it for a navbar toggle pic.twitter.com/Gxu0ZymfFH

Would love to hear feedback/bug reports/suggestions #designtwitter #webdevelopment

I've been reluctant to use CSS frameworks, basically because I want to be cool and just use Sass. But I need to be quick, and Bulma is just so nice @jgthms

martinverbic.com pic.twitter.com/vWU5FRucXH


Starting Thursday.


#madewithbulma #bulmaio.

#Bulma #BulmaCSS #CSS #Bootstrap #Tailwind

After experimenting with @tailwindcss and finding that utility first css is just not my thing, Bulma felt like a breath of fresh air.
#webdevelopment #CSS

Best CSS framework,
Flexbox Grid,
No JS,
Modular components,
Awesome work @jgthms.

buff.ly/2qjxkpL #bulmaio via @jgthms pic.twitter.com/kdeoMSDEuZ

Will be hard to go back to #Bootstrap now.
By: @jgthms

🤩 Moved from GitHub Pages to @Netlify
😎 It's #MadeWithBulma
Go check it out! 😀🙌🏼

Now that React changed its license, it has been dominating. Easy to pick up as well. The docs are good too unlike @angular

Thumbs up to @jgthms for the great work!!
#bulmaio #css #webdevelopment

Here's the link: nikrudenko.github.io/home/ pic.twitter.com/YoybGALYnG

It's a CSS framework 🛠️ that's really easy to use and well-designed, which is good because I'm way too lazy to design my own shit ✨
Highly recommended, check it out 👉 hbulma.io

➡️ hbleedingedgepress.com/creating-inter…


Such a nice and clean css framework. Thanks @jgthms 😁

I've used 3 little JS scripts to handle classes and it was smooth AF!

As I beginner, because of bulma.io, I could write the code and I get self‐confidence!
#bulma #css #framework