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Love for Bulma

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Tuomas Jomppanen @tuomasj
Almost forgot! For a CSS framework, I'm using @jgthms Bulma.

I know Tailwind is very popular right now, but Bulma introduced utility classes for margins and paddings in version 0.7.1 -- Those were the utility classes that was looking for, so now all my CSS needs are covered 🙂

11:19 AM - 31 Dec 2020

appoks @appoks
Tô precisando fazer um projetinho aqui e já tava desejando me matar por ter que usar bootstrap. Tava até considerando usar Vue mas é extremamente desnecessário pra algo que não tem tanto foco na interface. Aí eu conheci #bulmaio. Tks @jgthms ❤️

4:20 AM - 12 Sep 2020

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