Are you a Bulma fan too? Show your support! 🤗

Jamie Hylands

Glenn Gijsberts
i fell in love with bulma.io by @jgthms

Jonathan Meier

Kieran Mesquita
Hey @jgthms Lovin Bulma so much its become our de-facto official CSS framework here @launchMii github.com/launchmii/style

Étienne Corbillé
Finally, Ive completed one side project! A poker app with @angular and @electronjs .Thank you @jgthms for Bulma ;-) furaxpoker.com

@jgthms using #bulma on side project. Remarkable how this little beauty goes out of your way! Use, modify, extend. No problem! #IAmInLove ❤️

Saurabh Singhvi
@jgthms absolutely love what youve done with the documentation in latest releases of bulma!! 👌

@jgthms @LottieFiles Working on making @LottieFiles even more prettier. #bulmaio is amazing. Love how small and simple it is. #bulmacss

Ellery Aguilar

Jumuika Bulk SMS
Bulma.io, The best css framework currently. Thank you @jgthms

Waffy Wafs


Jay Wilburn
Decided to use Bulma on this project I’m working on. I am happy to use it and happy to see the docs in tact too. Great work @jgthms !

Chinux Paribus

Stefan Schwaighofer


Andrew Fomera

Marco Petersen

Yokim Pillay


Thomas Galibert

@jgthms I got to know about Bulma today and love it already. Thank you for your work! Exactly I was looking for to build a landing page.

Oliver Dvorski
@jgthms Thanks for the dropdowns man, I love em

Josh Weaver
Updated my Bulma css framework to the latest and used the new Navbar! Good stuff! @jgthms

Sarah C

Andrea Giammarchi
today Ive created a reasonable static website via bulma.io by @jgthms
Ive used 3 little JS scripts to handle classes and it was smooth AF!
Ive used 3 little JS scripts to handle classes and it was smooth AF!

Joe B

Brentley Broughton

Julian Currie

Jeff Kelley
I just discovered bulma.io by @jgthms - looks great. Im gonna take it out for a test drive pic.twitter.com/E5bbXjCD5H

@rafaelpimpa @vuejs @jgthms Best framework on the web right now. Well done, please keep it up. World needs it!

Seth Davis

Really Appreciate @jgthms.
As I beginner, because of bulma.io, I could write the code and I get self‐confidence!
#bulma #css #framework
As I beginner, because of bulma.io, I could write the code and I get self‐confidence!
#bulma #css #framework

Umar Farooq Khawaja
@jgthms Bulma might be Bootstrap killer. Im really liking it.

mario zupan

Victor Heid K.Miko
Bulma framework just made my weekend better :) @jgthms

Anand Chowdhary

Martin Angers

Jesse Schoff

Francisco Cruz
So, I was making an exam and in a matter of 30 minutes I had my structure complete with responsive, Bulma is crazy. Thanks @jgthms

Alexander H. Black

Kieran Glover

Anas Red

Robert Stuttaford

Scott Stewart
@jgthms Loving Bulma! This is making my day right now. Imported it into the starter theme Im using.

Victor Verhaegen
.@jgthms Ive just discovered your suite of tools for web development: bulma.io & cssreference.io among others. Fabulous work - thanks!


Simon Jaeger
@jgthms Hey Jeremy! Been putting Bulma into a project during the last days - absolutely love it! Well done! 😍

Ranie Santos
Reply to @jgthms Your framework is very good and lightweight compared to Twitter Bootstrap. I really like it.

Ville V. Vanninen
Jeremys reference sites are just so friendly. Love them. twitter.com/jgthms/status/…

Francisco Cruz
@jgthms Are you the one behind Bulma? I am using it in one project and I am completely delightful. Thank you so much!!

@jgthms Hey.I just stopped by here to say thank you so much for Bulma. It made my website looks 100 times better 😍

Shaimoom Newaz
@jgthms Bulma is badass. Nice work all around!

Andrew Cantos
@jgthms love your work on bulma, you rock

Juampe Ruiz